At Calico Jack Charters, we support DAN, the Divers Alert Network, the world’s most recognised and respected diving safety organisation. 

DAN has remained committed to the health and well-being of divers for 40+ years. The organisation’s research, medical services, and global response programs create an extensive network that supports divers with vital services. DAN offers both annual and short-term dive accident coverage options for divers. 

DAN Dive Accident Insurance

DAN offers divers affordable options to be covered in the event of a diving accident/illness with emergency medical evacuation assistance as well as coverage for treatment costs following a covered diving accident. In addition, your dues support ongoing dive safety research, the development of diving health and safety resources and 24/7 emergency medical assistance for scuba divers across the world.

Plans pay 100% of eligible accident medical expenses up to US $500,000, and some cover nondiving and named water sports accidents as well as diving accidents.


Quick summary of the Short-Term Cover:

  • Short coverage periods – including cover for 1 day through to 30 days. Coverage price starts from USD$10
  • USD $150,000 – Emergency Evacuation Cover and USD$125,000 – Dive Accident Medical Coverage, $10,000 – Accidental Death & Dismemberment, $1,000 – Extra Transportation, $1,000 – Extra Accommodation (in water accidents/injuries only)
  • DAN World Short Term cover is available for all your divers from all countries. Free divers, scuba divers and rebreather divers can apply for cover.
  • Students under instruction/certification for free diving and scuba are also covered. Try dives/DSD are not covered
  • No restrictions on depth or gas mix

How to obtain DAN Short-Term Cover

When booking your cruise onboard Calico Jack or Anne Bonny , our booking manager will send you a link to easy, “two-steps” registration and payment system.